See You Space Cowboy...

All these years have been a wonderful experience for me, sometimes intense and tiresome but never really bad or dull; nonetheless, about the numerous changes we observed through the years of Yogurk blogging history, this blog template really gotten awesome. Although I would like to enjoy this template a little more, but it's time to say our farewells. It seems i feel very obliged to do a brief summary of the start/end of the blog. The first steps before finally reaching the foundation of the blog were quite difficult; In the 2014 i didn't had the opportunity of knowing or reaching Soulseek community, neither Jpopsuki ; Even so, I never gave up, and i continued searching the entire network for the albums of those artists I had only been able to listen to on YouTube . It was horribly harder than expected, but then realized that if it were hard for me, then it would be even harder for anyone. I had some setbacks and i did a 1 year hiatus, so the blog returned to...